when my family and friends are in great trouble,
they always go to me and have some advice,., they said..
i was a good listener and a good adviser,
i myself laughed on this crazy things because,
in the first place i was only observing them from the start...so now i wanted to correct all my advises ...
first...there is no such thing as "i am totally over" or "moved on"..i wanna correct this, coz it doesn't exist either,.,
some people think that it was the right word but it is actually not...
acceptance is the right word and thing to do when all is over
when you accept things you'll be able to forgive people and start your own life in a more cleaver way..
second...there is no such thing as "right time"yeah...yeah..yeah...you'll gonna kick my ass because of this
but...come on think of it...
can you convince yourself that there is a right time for everything?
only fool people think of that,
for me there is no right time but there is "in God's own time"...
you dont have to wait for the right time (kuno)
,..why not grow and be productive..
third is...
there is no greater enemy than yourself...yes..this is a third world generation and all people
all of us was trying to consider everyone as their greatest enemy,
in money, carrier, men/women, education, goals, etc,..
then how about asking our own self...
"do i have to fight everyone to hit my goals?"
"do i have to be the highest, among all of them?"
"do i need this?"
wow! i found all these questions so amazing...
why fight others when from the start your greatest enemy was yourself?
the last is...d
o not always trust your instinct...one of my colleagues tell me that "you should always trust you instinct"
then, i ask myself why...
so i just said that maybe it is for the betterment of me..
so, i put things where they should..i always trust my instinct.
but i found one thing on this..."i am not happy"
then i tried to follow my heart,
i let it bust and bang!
i found myself happy because it was totally free,,..
yeah not to all but it was,..,
i am not trying to brainwash you...but think again..
____love lots_______"vee"